“I’m sorry I’m late – it took me 20 minutes to find my keys.”
“I can’t remember where I left it last, maybe in the dining room?”
“I’m sure I put those papers in the filing cabinet… somewhere…”
“I think I saw it in one of those drawers the other day…”
“I know I have a photo of that on one of these SD cards… somewhere…”
“I can never find anything in this mess!”
Does any of this sound familiar? Do you spend a lot of time searching for things because they have no “home”? Do you buy things you already have because you don’t realize you have them or can’t find them? Do you have 10 years of photos in piles or randomly stored on various types of media? Do you avoid inviting friends over because you’re embarrassed by clutter? Do you feel that you never have enough time in your day, but you can’t figure out how to change that?
It doesn’t have to be this way!
Whether you need to clear out your stuff or your calendar (or both!), Organized For Life can help.
Residential Services:
- Organizing and decluttering for every room in your home
- Paper filing systems
- Electronic filing systems
- Conversion from paper-based to electronic filing
- Time Management
- Downsizing
- Unpacking
When it’s time to simplify your life, call 302-468-5025.
<For more general information about our services, click here.>